You know how you've impacted my life, Mark, and I'm privileged to count myself among your legions of "witnesses." Keep on writing - and I'll expect a signed copy of the book (I'll buy it!), when it's on the shelves, CB, Calgary
Keep the musings coming. I may be silent but the musings still valuable to me internally, BT, Calgary . . P.S: It’s my way of staying in touch with you as you were there for me when we needed your services.
Happy Easter Mark, Cheers, NB, Calgary
I have thoroughly enjoyed your musings for a year and a half now. Your insights to life as one voice have echoed many of my own experiences but I am not a writer so for me to write something it takes me a while. Keep up the excellent work, and I always look forward to your “Musings”, MN, Edmonton
Thank you for continuing to send your 'musings'. I admit to being one of 'the silent ones'. Sometimes I don't take the time to read each, sometimes I don't allow myself time for this kind of reflection. Your words do reach me when I do take the time. Please keep on writing, TF, Calgary
Mark, as one of those silent ones I would like to thank you. Your daily pop up on my computer screen at the beginning of my day often causes me to put on hold the regular routine of going thru, sorting, deleting, saving, responding to emails and spend a few minutes looking at your thoughts, picturing your dog by the edge of the reservoir running and playing with the other dogs and often gives my day a different perspective than I originally had. There are some days with people lined up at my door I have to file the email into your folder but I generally do come back to read it at some point thru the day and it does seem relevant to me. We met at my office many years ago in our boardroom. My boss was looking for some exposure for our newly built terminal and he asked my to join him in a meeting with you. I don't believe much came out of that as we all get busy and there is always a new priority but the addition of me to your musings has been something that I value. I will keep an eye open and give you a tap on that car window when I see you as Woodbine is just up the road in this small world. . All the best. Happy Easter & keep an eye on that bread, AG, Calgary
In the spirit of Easter and renewal, refreshement and regeneration I offer this from a few years back.: Please don’t regret a thing you’ve done nor words that slipped around your tongue.
Take back no steps that made your way
Or acts that led you toward today.
This is the place to stop and stand
Now is the only time at hand.
Upon this moment focus your will
To the present time when you still
Know each second is new and true
And in this minute forgiveness renewed.
Pause to experience each heartbeat
And know your innocence is complete.
Happy spring, CH, Chimacum, WA
Hey Mark..... It's your "day off" so here's a brief diversion for you while you're making bread. Test your reaction time with this special test. Click: easy but it is fun. Enjoy your day!, TL, Calgary
I haven't had home-baked bread since childhood, but remember how great it tastes when fresh. My favorite these days is Cob's farmer's coarse loaf (also bought some chocolate hot cross buns and my usual blueberry Danish yesterday). Acquaintances, and sometimes friends, do come and go for all kinds of reasons; they change, we change; they move, we move; or we simply no longer have time for each other, which is the most unfortunate. Lives shared are lives enriched and better understood, EG, Calgary
When a question is thrown out there into cyber space; only those in tune with the cosmos will attempt a reply. Weird Dude. "T" Here at Home, WT, Calgary
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 10:38 p.m.