Friday, March 28, 2008
keep the change - Mark’s Musing Friday Mar. 28, 2008
today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park
walk report: -7C/19F, clear, half-moon remnant hangs awkwardly as sunrise light bounces off rooftops, old-route by the school revisited today; Gusta behaving better on-leash and upon returning – waiting at the door for her paws to be wiped, still shedding profusely
be prepared to stop, be prepared to pause, be prepared to go, be prepared for anything,
be prepared for something, be prepared for nothing - life is flying without a net, it is a mix of reality and imagination, a mix of luck and planning, of actions and reactions, of help and of helplessness
someone joked that in the case of a falling elevator it was not the ride you worry about but the sudden stop – amusing quip, unless you are getting into an elevator at the time; this Friday, today – week’s end, weekend’s beginning - first or last day of an incalculable number of things when millions will ride elevators safely through many stops; what are you prepared for - a sudden stop, a sprint for fun or an opportunity to change something?
sometimes traffic signs are just traffic signs; sometimes they arrest attention and divert thought; yesterday as I drove home from a meeting I came upon one that said ‘be prepared to stop’ – impact - not just to slow me to avoid a construction crew collision, but rather a collision of ideas in my head, semiotics in action
yesterday several people helped me in ways I didn’t expect and I helped some people in ways they were unprepared for; pleasant surprises are so much easier than scary ones but looking back on this handful of happenings, a collection of unconnected events I ought to have known, I ought to have been prepared to know that these chance moments – choice moments – were worth stopping for, not to slow me down or speed me up, but to remind me that I always need to be prepared to stop
depending on how I see change, or sea-change, making change can be conclusion of a store purchase or something else entirely depending on what I want to see and depending on whether I am prepared to stop
either way, I’ll keep the change
Mark Kolke
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