Monday, March 24, 2008
get ready - Mark’s Musing Monday Mar. 24, 2008
today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park
walk report: -3C/24F, low overcast, a damp snowy blanket stopped short of being offensive – a push back – nature reminds me summer is still three months away; we walked the alleys to find traction, Gusta turning up a little gravel doing wind sprints
Get Ready – is more than a song title (Temptations did it, Rare Earth did it better)- but that beat plays in my head when I think about it; I like the building tempo or is that tempo building?
I’ve spent my entire life hurrying – rushing – just to get to today, getting ready for today, prepared for today – so I think I can handle anything today might bring - all I can do is to be prepared to be unprepared; being ready to be sharp is not the same as being sharp – it is more like being an intellectual Maytag man . . sitting around, waiting to be ready with a solution if the phone rings; I try to use something I’ve learned (and taught) in my Toastmasters life with respect to impromptu speaking – that of being ready to react to something I’m not expecting
Monday morning is the beginning for some, the end for some; like the ambience in a room before a special dinner, before an occasion, is very similar – mood has direct impact on outcome, on whether or not desired results are achieved
a week is like that – the beginning of a good day deserves a good breakfast and the beginning of a good day/week deserves an inspired beginning; I can’t recall the last time a work day did not provide a ringing phone with a stranger on the other end of the line asking me if I could help with something I’d not done before or presenting a new problem
you can’t prepare for that – just be ready to enjoy it when it happens – the choice to be ready or not automatic; it is a conscious awareness, a preparedness, anticipating whatever might come (hopefully with a broad grin), so get ready
Mark Kolke
... with your voice, teach in order to learn
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