Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Comments Mar. 18 – re: out of whack
On our morning perambulation Muse and I met a very large coyote nose to nose - very "whack" to use the current vernacular. I am not sure if the world is particularly out of "whack" because is it not just part of the evolving pattern of life? Then there is that current expression "whack" that seems to crop up in conversation with younger people i have met. It seems to have a connotation/definition (crazy) much the same as the sentences you are using it in. But is it indeed "whack" or are we just all indulging our natural tendency to be "wacky". I recognize certain influences (media info) that create this feeling that we are off - kilter (now is that a word?) and it certainly is un-settling to read/see some of the crazy news out there. Today I am out of "whack". putting the coyote aside I have a meeting at 10:30 and I promised myself I would write 500 words before I left instead I am joining in a discussion ...... that interests me at a personal level as I ponder "wacky" most days, KS, Calgary
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