Saturday, March 15, 2008
Comments Mar. 15 – re: tuned in
You can spend a lot of time looking back over your shoulder and second-guessing the decision you have made. I think one of the most sinister traps are the "If I had only..." The current expressions like: get on with it, suck it up, get a life - all of them unfortunately coined by our post-literate society, but actually expressing impatience with anything but the future. It becomes especially hard for people like me with a significant past - at least in terms of minor celebrity - but I have long ago learned to face the reality that they all grew up without me and seem to be surviving. 80th birthday party last night. 80 friends and family. Realized that the difference between family whom you love and who sprung from the union of you and your wife - and friends. I defined friends as people who have let us into their lives. We all go back a long way together but time is not wasted on nostalgia, LS, Toronto
"T", WT, Calgary
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