Thursday, March 20, 2008
a bunch - Thursday Mar. 20, 2008
today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park
walk report: -4C/25F, overcast, light breeze; faster pace than in recent days, ankle holding its own - geese and a yappy poodle heckling from a car window our audience
according the website of the North American butterfly association, a frequent question is “what is a group of butterflies called?" – the answer "a bunch"
not everyone cares, not everyone listens – what we each have to say is relevant to us but not necessarily to anyone else; that is of course until someone says ‘hey, you are that musing guy’ or words to that effect, or someone who writes to say something mattered to them or altered their experience in a meaningful way
looking back a day, a year or five years there are unquestionably too many forks in the road to mention, each contributed to my being where I am right now both physically and in this frame of mind; my experience continues to be rich and driving, my connections with spectacular people who light up rooms and my life
the first year of writing musings ended with me wrestling with ‘continue or not?’ but that silly thinking seems well in the past; as another year passes I am so grateful for those who care to read what I write which is to share what I think about; many readers write to add valuable perspective to the discussion – I still very much enjoy that
yesterday and today - thought provoking days, of new people met, of auld acquaintance not forgot; days of pondering some future directions for this daily column, of other issues too; thanks BT for your note; I enjoyed evaluating your presentation last night
unplanned forks in yesterday’s road, will alter (positively I believe) my future; others, disconcerting in the moment, won’t be important two weeks from now let alone a year from now – some are life altering events, most are not – daily circumstances and chance perversely conspire to cook up change, thoughts and creativity - the brain my cauldron, belly my thermometer
today, not tomorrow as I thought, is the first day of spring; I always thought it was the 21st; for me today is end of my winter, last day of my writing year - conclusion of 5 years of writing musings; every day I’ve walked, written and published these musings (yesterday, auspiciously, my first time not publishing the email distribution the same day thanks to some unexpected actions of my list-service provider – my list re-building starts today!)
reconstructing a mailing list is front and centre for me over the next few days – already that review is reminding me of so many people who have connected with me, people I don’t connect with as often as I should because I leave these daily missives as my primary communication vehicle with them; you are spread virtually everywhere on this planet, you have given me strength when I needed it, levity when I’ve been too full of myself and you’ve given me praise and encouragement beyond my wildest dreams – you are a bunch of butterflies . . and I thank everyone of you for coming along on my shoulder for a daily ride
Mark Kolke
... with your voice, teach in order to learn
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