Thursday, February 21, 2008
those who don’t - Thursday Feb. 21, 2008
today’s Musing written and published from an internet café on Jasper Avenue in downtown Edmonton
walk report: -9C/16 F, clear, full moon led us, Calder rail yard shuffles bounced through the stillness like a steady jazz beat, Gusta found a rabbit less interesting than a snowman family complete with scarves, carrot noses and hats – she couldn’t understand why they wouldn’t pet her no matter how wildly her tail wagged
27 of my 56 years lived here – precious friends, children and memories still do – belated birthday dinner with Krista (we opted for awesome pasta at Il Pasticcio in favor of watching the lunar eclipse), her issues, interests and dialogue delight me more and more - followed by a too brief visit/catch-up with my inn-keeper MM (longer visit needed) followed by restless night reflecting on how much I am like my kid – or the other way round – amazing what happens when cells divide in two
twists of my non-logical mind using intuition and emotion - sorting goal from tasks from wishes from dreams - twists of choice, of chance, twists and turns proving the world is divided in two – those who change and those who don’t, those who grow and those who don’t, those who settle and those who don’t, those who question and those who don’t, those who have some Edmonton in them and those who don’t
Mark Kolke
... with your voice, teach in order to learn
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