Monday, February 18, 2008
listening - Monday Feb. 18, 2008
today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park
walk report: -5C/23F, brilliant sunshine, birds singing – like a morning walk somewhere warm and grassy except for the ice and the cold – Gusta rolling on the ice in the yard; I’m not sure if she has an itchy back or is practicing some pre-spring ritual
the answers, if I trust the song, ‘are blowin’ in the wind’; I’ll keep my ears open (and my mind) as I seek answers
figuring anything out - pursuing dreams, achieving ambitions, planning the path – seems so difficult sometimes; taking steps, tiny/grand, generates little excitement for anyone else; it matters only to the person taking the step and, to a lesser degree, by those affected by it
life breaks into so many easy to understand pieces, it seems strange to have trouble sorting it out – wake/sleep, birth/life/death, man/woman, eat/fast, work/play/rest, think/not, feel/not, try/not - simple really - but often it seems much tougher than that
my successes and pratfalls make a lengthy list that matter only to me; my future too, things I want to do, how I want to do them, when/where/how they happen matters to me; I wrestle with whether they need to matter to anyone else, how they fit/not
then again, maybe the things that matter to me don’t matter so much at all
depending on vantage point and culture, my life is completed, it would seem – children on their own, doing well at life – I’ve lived a good life, an interesting life, lots of great people in it; if I croaked tomorrow I’ve lived a good one, done lots, nothing for the history books but I’ve done a lot of things I feel proud about, things that have given me a sense of fulfillment – I could go now, no one would say, ‘hey, he didn’t pull his weight’ or ‘he’s got unfinished business’
but, my life is not complete – regardless of when my ‘best before’ date might really be, I have dreams to live, mountains to climb, trouble to cause, new ‘unfinished business’ to start. . . and wind to listen to
Mark Kolke
... with your voice, teach in order to learn
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