Tuesday, February 19, 2008


February 19 Comments - re: comfortable

Hey there Mark; Don't get to comfortable, your on the hot seat tonight. Comfort is one thing but contentment is the answer, WT, Calgary
Comfort is a relative concept. At age 44, I never thought I would define comfort in terms of my health. Having just finished 18 weeks of chemotherapy and many unbearable hours/days, I find that my discomfort on my “bad” days helped define my comfort on my “good” days. Just starting to feel human again and I begin 8 weeks of daily radiation tomorrow. Seems as though I had to experience the lowest of the lows in order to appreciate what I previously called a normal day. I cannot wait until I once again define comfort as feeling strong, walking an 18-hole golf course, working out, earning a living, and most of all: growing my hair back!! The blessing is that my predicament has FORCED me to slow down, to appreciate the little things like taking walks with my 80 year old mother, making dinner for my husband, being more attentive to my home/garden, reconnecting with friends. All the things that I was “too busy” to do before my diagnosis. I am happy to report that my cancer is gone, that the poison seems to have worked, KM, Oceanside, CA
Good Morning Mark, I appreciate your musings every day and I look forward to reading them. Some days you know exactly what I need to hear, it’s nice. We’ve never met and I have no idea how I got onto the distribution list, but I’m glad I did. Good luck to you and your butterfly, it makes me happy to hear that you have found each other. I have not yet been so fortunate to find him, but like you once said I’m “trying to LIVE life and not just sit back and wish I had” (maybe not exact words) and hope that thru my adventures we will cross paths. It’s hard when you’ve been waiting a long time, DP, Boston, MA
Mark, I wish I had time to read your musings but I'm just overwhelmed by emails every day. Good luck with your writing -- you are very good, BW, ?
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