I love my daily musings but unsubscribed in error, please could you reinstate me? Thank you sooo much, SH, Toronto, ON
I agree that it's a supreme blessing to have growing children. I neglected mine too much and am paying for it now. I feel strongly now that the precious time of nurturing lost can never be found again, and that is a severe loss for both parent and child, leaving permanent scars, EG, Calgary
Re: signs of life - Sorry for your loss. Our thoughts are with you, SK, New Jersey
Re: signs of life - I tell my friends, “Don’t say ‘Take care” when we leave each other’s company. Say ‘Take NO care!’” Like saying “Watch for deer,” the thought being transmitted is that there is something ‘out there” to be afraid of! BL, Great Falls, MT
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 10:08 p.m.