If your comment today regarding, well, keeping your nose out of other peoples business and beliefs ( re. CR’s comment), then I 100% agree with what you said today. I am under the impression CR thinks you are a lost soul with the need for direction, possibly towards religious domination in your life. I have been reading your musings now for some time. Not once have I read this email and come to the understanding you are lost and are in dire need of a change like that in your life. Keep on doing what you are doing. Also, a reduction of balsamic vinegar goes well over top of the tenderloin, depending on the preparation. Glad to hear Valentines went well. MB, Calgary
Glad your heart day was rewarding. My heart is broken--my dad passed away Jan 31. Expected and a release from his pain; but my heart is broken. My heart is rejoicing--the ring and a date from my best friend. Unexpected and a door into joy. My heart is hopeful. A new job, new challenges and potential new friends. My heart day was rewarding too, SB, Calgary
You certainly get the strangest of replies. I assume when you set up this venture You knew this would happen. The GOOD with the BAD is life itself. The only light you need too see is the one in her eyes. Keep pumping out the views "T", WT, Calgary
Just to open a can of worms...if you were to ask me I would say that organized religion is a kind of cult. You must believe what they believe explicitly or you're going to hell and you are ostracized. Christianity is divided into factions- just look at Northern Ireland, so too are other religions. Most preach tolerance, but none actually practice it. I read somewhere: Evil done in the name of good (here read God or enlightenment, if you wish) is still evil, Good done in the name of evil (here read Satan or darkness or ?) is still good. No one should think that they have the right to tell someone what to believe and then threaten them with eternal damnation or whatever their version of hell is. For plenty of people hell exists right here on earth. No matter what you believe in, and who is to say who is right or wrong, in the end all the gods are one. Not embodied by any one image or religion (I could hear the Christians crowing at the one god reference), the Light or the Grace just is. I'll climb down off my soapbox now. I shouldn't let comments push my buttons but it just gets me when I hear the smug thoughts behind such statements as CR expressed. "I'm SAVED, but you're not unless you believe as I do! I must convert you!" Obviously, I am not Christian and I do not need to be saved or converted, so anyone who reads this and has those thoughts should just save their breath and take a long look in their own mirror before breathing on mine. Mark, I'm glad you had a divine dinner with your loved one yesterday. Make every day a day of love. My daily wish for the world is that every living creature have Peace, Joy and most of all Love and enough to eat and a safe place to sleep in their everyday life, NMB, Airdrie, AB
I was involved in a conversation yesterday where I espoused my belief.. in a nutshell - "anyone who thinks he has the ANSWER for anyone but himself is deluded" This means that GOD is not as limited as human beings and that our attempts to define, codify and prescribe are good in so far as they go but they are HUMAN and therefore, by definition incapable of the perfection necessary to completely provide the ANSWER. This said, I am passionate about pursuing my own path toward Godliness and would not want to judge or limit that for another in any way. I am also able to help others on their paths too... we are all in this together... but also completely unique and individual as He made us. Sorry you had to be disturbed by someone who was unkind and judgmental, CH, Chimacum, WA
I seem to have been dropped from your distribution list. Could you please add me back on? Still nothing witty to say, BI, Calgary
I think you are right on target, and I feel sad for people like the person who commented on your site that divinity can only be God. Divinity is everywhere, and the gifts of the universe are everywhere… in the rabbits Gusta chases, in birdsong, in your PB, in the light and play of the shadows, even in darkness and sorrow. Life, love, the world itself is a divine gift. Thank you for sharing the blessings in your life and your mindfulness of them with others!, DH, Denver, Colorado
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 10:03 p.m.