Thursday, February 14, 2008


February 14 Comments - re: for PB

Mark... I hope she recognizes what a gem she has found in you. Lucky woman, PB, CB
One word to describe today’s musings…. B E A U T I F U L !! Take care and give PB a big hug from me… I am so glad you have such a wonderful person in your life, CFT, Houston, TX
Mark, Great writing today on Valentine’s Day!, RF, New York, NY
I was wrong about the title of the book.... "Stars in the Deepest Night... After the Death of a Child" It was written by Genesse Bourdeau Gentry. I hope you have the opportunity to get it, read it and find some comfort there. There is a website in the book... Again my deepest sympathy for you both, JB, Klamath Falls, Oregon
Happy Valentines Day Mark ..Hope you and your sweetie have a very special day!!, CCC, Calgary
RE: all the other days - I remember the day the telephone call came to advise me of my sisters’ suicide and how my body bent over, my mind and voice screaming at my loss. It wasn’t my heart that was broken - it was my whole being. No one can know unless they’ve been there. If there is a God, know this: He forgives us for our selfish desire to bring them back and he forgives them for the finality of their desperation, KC, Washington, DC
I thoroughly enjoy these musings, so thank you for including me on the distribution list. Though I may not agree with all of your sentiments, nor would you expect me to, they give me a moment to reflect and think about the relevancy of your observations to my own life. Your musing Wednesday, for example, coupled with the birthday celebration of a dear colleague (happy birthday, FH), gave me an opportunity to reflect on just how fleeting life is. What we do today is not insignificant. It impacts people and has an immeasurable ripple effect. FH is at roughly 500,000 on your “life countdown” estimation, yet everything she does, whether as dramatic as giving up alcohol, or as small as flying a balloon in the office to cheer her co-workers, has an impact in shaping who we are and what sort of legacy we’ll leave behind... Keep up the good work, Mark! Thanks, Steve C, Boston, MA
I will only comment on your general observations today for obvious reasons. I too have usually known what I wanted in the love area, but it didn't always work out. What I don't agree with is that things happen for no reason at all. The universe cannot work unless underlying laws are obeyed, even though we do not yet know them. In other words, I believe that eventually a Unification Theory will be discovered, although it may be centuries yet, and that in the meantime, fragmented fields of information will keep surfacing that will permit us to make great strides in understanding. As for a Creator, that presents a greater problem. As has been said, "If God exists, and He created us, who created Him?" I have no answer for that, EG, Calgary
Mark, you’re an interesting guy with some good thinking and some keen writing skills, but you need to get your head – and your heart – around the good Lord and divine intervention. Otherwise, I’m afraid you’re resigned to wander the hinterlands of musings without every seeing the real guiding light. All the best. CR

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