I couldn't believe the content of your musings this morning. It hit me very personally after last night being very upset with my daughter gor failing two subjects in grade 12 and having to go to summer school this summer - like she said "it's not the end of the world - nowhere near it" how right she is. thank you so much for those words - they have inspired me to try and be a better person - not so judgmental (failure in school doesn't mean a failure in life). MT, Toronto
In response to BB's comment. It is never a good thing when someone takes their own life. Unfortunately, when someone is having problems, they tend not to say anything as they don't want to trouble anyone with their issues or they are too embarrassed. My uncle had the unfortunate circumstance of finding his 24 year old son hanging from the basement rafters one morning. I felt so bad for my uncle as he is a very nice person and has an extremely laid back attitude toward life, take it as it comes. Well, that is all different now. I just wish he had the opportunity to change his attitude earlier so he could have tried to prevent what happened. BB, so sorry for your loss. I hope you can cope with the outcome. I would like to say I know how you feel, but I can't go that far, MB, Calgary
I believe that beauty, success and failure as well as many other things are in the broadest sense in the eyes of the beholder. We see, and make a judgment. Making something of oneself should equal self-fulfillment. The difficulty of life's journey is proportional to the height of the goal, EG, Calgary
To BB, Calgary: Why? is the big question isn't it? We'll never know and I would like to know as I sit and wait for an answer on my daughter's brutal murder. I feel for your son, you and your family. I remind myself each and every day that it is not about me; it is about my poor little doll who is not with us anymore. The horror she must of endured. The agony your brother must have been in. What I do know is that every experience I have had in my life so far was meant to prepare me to endure this loss. My heart is with you and yours, JB, Calgary
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 10:14 p.m.