Mark, thank you for allowing yourself to be revealed in your vignettes of daily musings. I don’t get to read all of them….but when I do I can acknowledge, reflect and feel connected to the web and flow of life that brings together our similarities. Thank you for sharing, MTM, Calgary
Thanks, Mark. I really appreciate your posting my info on St. Baldrick’s. Be exceptionally well, SW, New Orleans, Louisiana
I watched the eclipse, since it could be done from my balcony. However, I suddenly realized that I didn't know why the moon turns red, and decided I needed to know that there and then. So, on a website called something like "Eclipses for Beginners" I found that it comes from sunlight being refracted by our atmosphere bathing the moon in red. Again, a comparison of those who question and those who don't, those who grow and those who don't. To question and find answers is to grow, as it is equivalent to growing from experience. May I never lose that capacity, EG, Calgary
Maui was, as always, beautiful, soul restoring, and calming. And the snorkeling was great too. Dad was clear, calm and serene to the end. Another victim, in many ways, to the dual daggers of Parkenson’s and the Alberta “who” Cares (not the Alberta Health Care) system. I’m at a new job. Feels like fun so far. Beautiful ring, hopeful future and August is a good month, SB, Calgary
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 9:58 p.m.