Hi Mark, I hope the ankle recovers quickly. I wiped out on some ice a few weeks ago and tore the hamstring in my left leg. Ouch!, SB, Calgary
A timely musing. I too had some adventures while walking our Golden this AM but survived intact and in one piece. My wife on the other hand managed to break her ankle on the 16th while taking the dog out for a walk. Unfortunately, no one was home and she had to hop and crawl the three blocks back, BH, Calgary
I hope your ankle isn't too bad...definitely a slippery morning today. I parked my car and got out and observed a vehicle sliding down the hill into the curb, flipping onto it's side then back upright. I ran across the road to check on the driver and call 911. I didn't leave until all the emergency responders had arrived and I had filled out the police report. I wouldn't have thought of not responding, or of not staying until I had done everything I could. I have had others do the same for me in the past. What goes around, comes around. SL, Calgary
Having a dog who needs walks makes me vulnerable to these kind of spills as well. I thank my trainers at the gym when I hit an ice patch and I am able to avoid hitting the pavement. Those balancing exercises do have a purpose! In the past I have suffered a broken shoulder and a broken wrist, thanks to the ice under the snow. Hope your ankle feels better, Mark. You are lucky to have a PB, AW, Calgary
Shall we nickname you KLUTZ? I could give up the moniker that used to be so familiar to moi!? Truly sorry you had a tumble, but more so ~ very disappointed in the people near by who obviously hadn’t a moment of kindness in their souls to ask such a simple question as “do you need help?”. It says an awful lot about our city and the people, so consumed with self, that not a moment is spared for others. I pity them! AHHH, those bags of peas, aren’t they a wonderful invention. I hate peas, but I always have a bag in the freezer, so at least, in my mind, they have a purpose. So when I down and blue, don’t, PLEASE, don’t make me a Comfort Casserole with peas! Take care my friend!, kk, Calgary
As an addicted walker you badly need to purchase some aids. Check with your nearest shoe store or repair shop and find the rubber slip on devices with the steel sole grips. These change a troublesome weather situation into no issue at all, DR, ?
Mark, do you have a musing that talks about how proud you are of your daughters? If so please forward it to me. I am glad that all is working so beautifully with PB. I am also in a very special relationship with a wonderful partner. Thanks, VL, Englewood, CO
You spoke up when I needed assistance – thank you for that. I'm doing much better now, but I do keep in mind that it is all a process and it doesn't always go in a straight line or even in just one direction, SH, Calgary
Mark, hope your ankle is not too badly damaged. Your prose is as enthralling as ever though, so I imagine you avoided bumping your noggin (at least too hard). Regards, DA, Vancouver, BC
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 10:32 p.m.