Sunday, February 24, 2008
Comments Feb. 24 – re: balance shifts
I haven't seen "Vantage Point," but have read an on-line critique, which is almost identical to yours. "Neglected issues come back with a vengeance, neglect prevention is its own reward;" how true. Perhaps thinking on its own is over-rated, and indeed purposeful creativity is to be exalted. How else the great philosophies and art of history, with their rewards? But do not underestimate the worth of the spontaneous thought. That is, I believe , how Einstein discovered the principle of equivalence, and rumoured to be how Newton discovered gravity. I will treasure each thought of mine; it is all mine and no one else's, and will be filed away in my memory banks to be drawn on at will at some future time for use or embellishment as the case may require, EG,Calgary
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