Tuesday, February 12, 2008
back to the top - Tuesday Feb. 12, 2008
today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park
walk report: -5C/23F, light Chinook cloudiness, streets are slush, the ridge path was mush, Gusta looked imprisoned as she tried to reach a rabbit thought a wrought-iron fence – metaphor perhaps for encountering obstacles on the way to clearly seen goals
chasing an objective, stretching for a goal needs to be mitigated with recognition there are no guarantees anything today or tomorrow will be in any way like yesterday shocks us now and again – headline shock – then we wiggle back into our comfortable seats of familiarity
‘nothing future will be like anything past’ shocks, is met with reprehension – scoffed at, dismissed, marginalized – not that it isn’t true, but because it is easier for most of us to embrace expectations of tranquility - dull, plodding tranquil sameness seems easier to deal with than anticipation of chaos, randomness, surprise and creative disruption (if you don’t think we are capable, just watch a group of five year olds playing for a while)
sure, we all want to live well, be healthy, enjoy prosperity – in a fairy tale – but look around, life’s not like that, which brings me to my quandary; I enjoy and partake of ‘how to cope with life’s issues’ strategies – we look to insightful books, motivational speakers motive us, Frankl taught us, religion seeks to explain how do deal with life and death and how to live life, but what about the why of life - why are we here, what is our purpose, is there a purpose? . . . if no purpose, why care - if there is a purpose, what is it and how do we live the purpose on purpose; if life is purposeful, what is the purpose of predictability?
in business, stable ones especially, each year is measured against the last, each budget tweaked to reflect expected increases (aren’t we always optimists?) over the previous year – things are always hopefully better, but comforting that they are largely the same, the expectation of steady, stable, routine, continuity etc. – all poppycock
life should NOT be like taking a tranquilizer - nice for a while, but not for long – because it lacks purpose; if you think I’m going round in circles, you are right – go back to the top, start again
Mark Kolke
... with your voice, teach in order to learn
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