Monday, February 11, 2008
all the other days - Monday Feb. 11, 2008
walk report: -11C/13F, sunny, calm, Gusta still finding unspoiled deep snow along the alley route to snout plow
I don’t think love and perfection have anything in common; love is an action word of caring that has nothing to do with coloring inside the lines, has no value if its players are flawless like some fairy tale; from where I sit, I see no one as perfect and no one should try to imitate an image of perfection for it can only bring disappointment – I prefer joy
I don’t equate joy with imperfection – I have lots of each, so maybe there is a connection; chocolate won’t fill cracks and flaws, flowers won’t mask reality’s odor, dinner reservations won’t overcome real reservations about real issues – it matters not what we do on one day, but rather what we do all the other days
when it comes it is just a day, one day to live, like any other; what could make one day special that it overshadows 365 of its peers?
I’ve gained an appreciation for being ‘alone on the 14th’ that I’ll not forget; this is my first year in quite a few with someone special in my life at this time of year – for PB and I it will be our first – not our last, not much different than any other day but then, any day is incredible if you want it to be
this week brings out many things in men – chocolate purchases, red roses by the dozens, dinner reservations and politeness; I’ve wondered why, as if those gestures might make up for a year of silence or a hundred snubs, as if they mask the flaws they fear to reveal – but she sees them anyway
flaw – life – imperfection – reality; we are all these things and more, we are all these things and worse - life is full of imperfections, so am I, any day and all the other days
imperfection clings like a cobweb that grabs in the dark – not to be shaken, but to be worn, to relax in imperfection, letting it become a second skin, that insulates from those who might attack any one of my many imperfections - as if to say ‘see, you thought I was hard to take before, well take a look at this’
Mark Kolke
... with your voice, teach in order to learn
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