Wednesday, January 16, 2008


weave it - Jan. 16, 2008

today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park

walk report: -17C/1F, clear, calm, moonless; Gusta prefers the romp across ice-patched lawns to padding bare numbing sidewalks around Lake Mead Green, a few lights on but most of the world was still sleeping

imagining life, as if watching it in movie form, I don’t want to know my ending but I want to influence it; whether changes happen by choice or by accident or some combo of the two, taking a step, then a next step, then another and then another is the best way to make the new way, sometimes bobbing, sometimes weaving . . learning quickest (not always best) by doing rather than watching, leaping off more cliffs, calmly walking through fewer doors – each next step may not change the world but it will change me, change my ending

numbing beyond recognition doesn’t change anything, it makes you numb; in the middle of the swirl, we see the spiral, we spend so much time trying to avoid being drawn down the centre that we forget how easy it is to climb out; change management is corporate cliché these days – as if some consultant invented it; change is inevitable; the world changes, we change, others change; if someone could invent a way not to change – that would be inventive, unique and worth talking about

bold choices, raw, audacious, outrageous choices have as much chance of changing the end of the movie as do ‘not making any choice at all’; I spoke with a friend yesterday who made a relationship choice – not boldly, not dramatically – calmly making a reasoned choice but she wondered out loud if this would destine her to a lonely solitary future or if, like I have found with PB, there is a marvelous partnering opportunity ahead of her

the choice, from where I sit, is obvious; if BIG decision was solitary, isolated, a one-of choice, it is likely to be reversed or flip-flopped like previous iterations until the fatigue of thinking about it makes her numb; conversely, if that choice is grand-child of a lot of little choices, of tangible issues, then a fabric is being woven whose strength is much greater than the individual strand strength tallied up

sometimes we need to weave it all behind by weaving a new future

Mark Kolke

... with your voice, teach in order to learn

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