Sunday, January 27, 2008
storm coming - Sunday, Jan. 27, 2008
today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park
walk report: -10C/12F, Gusta was walking fast, Sophie going slow, 73 pounds of dogs in rabbit-search mode - Gusta nearly got one, her 8 pound companion on 4 inch legs just struggled to keep up; a few snowflakes, steady north wind, temperature dropping, leading edge of a big storm on the way
‘Life does not consist mainly, or even largely, of facts and happenings. It consists mainly of the storm of thought that is forever flowing through one’s head.’ – Mark Twain
Twain’s storm sounds like a flood or fire or quake to guard against – I feel more of an ocean wave, or ice cream’s butterscotch rippling – turns and whirling, a softer feel, a warmer kind of tough, a softer sense of strong
winter’s wind brings a different sound than summer’s does– storm winds come and go, other breezes linger; too soon to ache for spring, breeze-easy comes with spring fever; the trees forget the past storms, the winds that made them strong, the tests that prepared them for the next mighty blow; a storm is coming, always
middle age seems to agree with me, but I am not so sure I agree with it; like those trees I creak and moan a little, but largely I enjoy health, opportunity and perspective – I see backward and forward about the same distance as I approach the mid-point between 20 and 95 - my ‘adult life’ measuring stick, I’m half spent, half left - I suffer no pain; not to say everything is fabulous all the time, but considering things that can go wrong, an ache here, a discomfort there . . these are tiny prices to pay I suppose
clouds cover my sky - like a tarp to protect it from the storm, every tree, every bush is moving a little, like linemen setting up stance before the ball is snapped – feet planted firm to stand the onslaught ; in my storm ride ahead, as it blows and blows, I’ll ride the best I know, but how I fare when I get there has nothing to do with the weather but whether or not I choose to enjoy the storm ride - storm coming, it’s already here
Mark Kolke
... with your voice, teach in order to learn
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