Hi Mark - I read your "Musings" every day and enjoy them very much. Please keep me on your mailing list... and thanks for writing and never missing a single day... S, Sunny Saskatoon, SK
I wonder why we all experience that phenomenon, complete wisdom starting at about age fifteen as I remember, driving our parents crazy in the process, and then by the early twenties realizing that it really isn't so. Perhaps it's a defense mechanism inherited from our remote ancestors who might have been forced to leave the cave and fend for themselves at puberty; such a feeling would give self-confidence. We then acquire wisdom slowly as we should. While I'm still hopefully doing this, I would like to feel inspired, and would like to inspire others as a spill-over effect. Where in the road do I stand now? Hard to say; in recorded history it has no beginning and no end. And I don't wish to stand now, but move forward, EG, Calgary
Hey Mark, It looked as though your 'confirm' was a link in which to do just that. I clicked on it and it said no such address. Just FYI. I do want to continue on the list.......how can I not.....I am an original! I had a lot of trouble for the longest time getting them because they always went to my spam box.........even though you are on my email list as is every address that you have given me in association with you or the musings. I think it was something in your set up.....Now, for some reason, for about the last month or so, they have been received just fine and not going to my spam mail. Hope it keeps it up! (I hated having to go in there to retrieve them!) BTW......have I told you lately how much I like that pic you have on there??, AS, Oklahoma City, OK
Tried to send this other ways but don't think it got through so will try it this way. I got dropped off your email list a while back and would like to be put back on. Thanks, SH, Calgary
HI Mark, Like others, I tried to click on “confirm”, but it didn’t seem to work. Please keep me on the Musings mailout list, KS, Netherlands?
Please keep me on your distribution list! Nothing witty to add! Thanks, BI, Calgary
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 6:02 p.m.