What I think about… Is this all there is? What am I supposed to be doing? How do I improve my quality of life? Most beliefs I used to have don’t matter any more. Everything truly is in vain. Buy food, buy clothes, look at interesting things. Stay warm, stay cool, stay in love. Ah, love. That sounds depressing, doesn’t it., JC, Houston, TX
Don't know how I got on the mailing list, but I very much enjoy your perspective. It takes the burden off the rest of us to take time & reflect. "Forced reflection" if you will, reality magnified...amazing how the world looks different through each individual's eyes. Different yet surprisingly the same - the common thread that connects us all. Keep up the good work! , DM, St. Louis, MO
i was just talking with KS and she mentioned that your Musings ceased coming to her and was wondering if you have taken her off the list....i explained that i was also having this difficulty and would mail her the internet site...
http://markismusing.blogspot , pb, Calgary
As I ponder : I believe that we are all born with a predetermined agenda. As parents(teachers) it is our job to to do what we think is right at the time.None of us ever had or never will have a crystal ball to show us the future out come. At the time we make the judgment we are not usually thinking of the impact of the consequences in the long term , but only of the moment. It is that 20/20 vision that causes us to see back ,then to judge the consequence ,as regret or accomplishment. When we do not live up to to our own expectations is when we create regret. We can all live in the "what if 's". "What ifs" are regrets of the past and fear of the future. Not a great place to be., LB, Calgary
Hi Mark, While I don't believe we have actually met, I have been enjoying your 'Musings' for years now. Now that they are no longer there, I really miss them. Is it possible to get re-connected? thanks so much!, LS, Calgary
I'm going to resend you a reply I came up with a few days ago, about mental functions, etc. I think it's still applicable. What interesting speculations you put forth. No rules or natural laws governing thought? There is a very interesting book out there, "The Quantum Brain: The Search for Freedom and the Next Generation of Man" by Jeffrey Satinover, psychiatrist and theoretical physicist, which hypothesizes that our neuropsychological processes, including thought, involve as yet poorly defined quantum mechanics. It makes for interesting reading. As for thinking the river to flow to us, that's telekinesis; I'm not sure if it can be done or not, but it makes for interesting story plots and stage and parlor tricks. And now to the sleep-wakefulness-consciousness question. Slipping into sleep from an awake state is subtle and often unexpected, so indeed Archimedes could have fallen asleep in his tub, and never discovered the simple method of calculating volume. And many others, at the edge of momentous discovery, could have fallen asleep or had their attention temporarily diverted and lost the final step forever. On the other hand, is the story true about Newton dozing under the tree when an apple fell on his head, leading to his theory of gravitation which held up until Einstein? It's interesting to speculate, EG, Calgary
HI Mark - the aftershock of the death of the 56 year old Prof here at the U is still causing some tremors. Am grateful that I am detached and can still function clearly while supporting others. For some time now I've wondered why I've gone through so much in my life, and I'm coming to believe that maybe my lot in life is to be calm in the storm. It's become a pattern really. In terms of feedback, I've read a couple of pieces where I've wondered where you're going. Sometimes there is no message or direction and I get the impression you're writing for a release, or to find the answer to a question or feeling you're trying to figure out. Also, I don't understand what the numbers at the bottom of the musing page are....are they a reference of some sort. It looks biblical to me..? I do like the paragraphs about the morning walks with your dog. Dog's can teach you a lot about the simple things in life. They take pleasure in the senses such as you've written about. You have such a great wit....it's missing here, or I'm missing it some how. You asked....I'm feeding. Have a great day! MJH, Calgary
Being of moderate 'sound mind' I am replying rather than using your full address. Hmmm...but even so hope it gets through. Enjoyed your musing and felt like I was walking in the snow instead of driving in it which I was doing today. It was very slippery and added to my scenic view from inside my little old Jetta. I had 2 1/2 wipers going to sweep away the miniature hail pits coming down. The 1/2 part was simply the rubber peeling off it's blade. Made an interesting pattern as it flipped and flopped aimlessly. Though I love walking when it is snowing I often find it makes me feel rather melancholy and sometimes lonely. Yet the air feels fresh and crispy and the world seems so clean and full of promise. The whiteness of the snow being packed down as it settles, like the newness of a new page to write on. My first letters straight and clear, and by the end of the page once again looking wobbly and unique! That's why I love typewriters of old, and better yet the beauty of computers. Computers, like magic write for you, don't you think? Turn it on, place my fingers on the keyboard and begin to compose whatever I like, and there it is! Sure I can go in and make corrections or changes but the essence of the message is already completed. So too with life. New beginnings of any kind enlarge our world and give us hope and promise. The experience begins with high expectations and hope of perfection in its completeness. Then, no matter how they turn out it is all experience added to our lives and really the core of our story was there all the time too. All we need at times are minor adjustments and adaptations to make this another new day, another new week, the newness of snowflake falling on our face, melting, and falling away. Yet always we will leave our footprints wherever we go and whatever we do, ED, ?
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 10:32 p.m.