Saturday, January 19, 2008


chockfull - Saturday, Jan. 19, 2008, Calgary

today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park

walk report: -8C/17F, several distant dog sightings, Gusta pulled hard as we walked down to the soccer fields and back; we tried to see paradise but it was obscured by light fluffy flakes falling – lots of them, I guess we did in a way

one day, I will die – that is certain; what I do between now and then is only predictable if I let it be predicable and, to be sure, I won’t let it be

reminders that unexpected consequences, fictionalized or imagined are not a fantasy present themselves every day – they are reality, a reality we choose to ignore most of the time because it is so much easier to think of those as ‘things that happen to other people’

artistically I don’t think it ranks, but for producing lots to think about, talk about and mull over, it gets full marks - last night’s movie, Bucket List; PB and I found it worthy time spent, clever, chockfullonuts, humor, coffee, tear provoking, thought provoking, entertaining, no classic but well acted, good writing, it touches issues most people find familiar so it’s financial success is assured

events happen – memories, character revelation, shared experiences, spontaneous moments – unpredictable, for the most part ‘expected’ things that ‘ought to have been expected’ – each with consequences, making my life my own movie; as I watch from the back row, opportunities to take the plot on different twisting routes appear at every moment of thought, present themselves every time there is a ‘here is something to react to’ moment; this afternoon will show up, as predicted, on time; the experience I will have is unpredictable, but not wholly accidental – like life, this afternoon will give me whatever I wring out of it

‘The best things in life are unexpected – because there are no expectations” – Eli Khamarov

I don’t disagree with Eli; but I would count my children, PB and Gusta as my greatest joys and each arrived as the consequences of planning, of being ready, of setting the stage for them to happen – but the moments – ah yes, the moments, they show up without warning; I cannot imagine a better way to have a better time finding a better way

Mark Kolke

... with your voice, teach in order to learn

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