Monday, January 21, 2008
as new as Monday - Monday, Jan. 21, 2008
walk report: -17C/2F, clear, calm, cold; Gusta loves it, I’m not embracing it as much - layer upon layer, fleece over fleece, only keep me so warm; a third of the way through winter, this morning is a typical day; this cold will pass, spring will come, warmer times are ahead
‘as good as new’ must have been first written on a Monday because nothing is as good or as new as new is on a Monday
old paths, old ideas, old thinking – last week, last year . . are all far past now; content and composed, spread wide and waiting, my week stretches out in front of me like two lanes of new pavement wanting tires, knowing what the day or week will bring is always a mystery – no different than any other morning I suppose, but Monday brings so much promise
Monday’s start is always fresh no matter how Sunday went or ended, Monday is a slate swept clean . . . I see it way off in the distance, tomorrow will come but don’t let it come yet – let me stay in this day, a place where nothing new can be as new as a new week; I’ll keep my ideas in front of me, my waste by my side, my past behind me; each question will have its answer, each idea will have its place, each nuance will find its own place, like flowing water, I will find my own path
Mark Kolke
... with your voice, teach in order to learn
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