Friday, December 14, 2007
you can’t take it with you - Friday, Dec. 14, 2007
today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park
-2C/28F, dawn and a steady breeze lifts overcast - brings a band of light to shine on the darkness, Gusta sniffed mole and gopher holes, we walked the lagoon route, no one in sight
parties are interesting studies – laughs, behavioral research, last night, pot luck, laughter, libations, gift exchanges – insights and a singular intriguing moment, thanks KL for making my day – enjoy that treasure, get from it some small measure of what it meant to me
my challenge is to not lose focus on my intention, not lose focus on my purpose; I’ve begun a new branch of my path, started another leg of the journey – I expect to give away a lot more of my treasures in coming days – already I’ve found there is nothing more thrilling than seeing someone else thrilled with something I’ve found precious or profound
gift giving season becomes a blur - list striking, wrapping, shopping centre parking lot navigation – STOP, set that aside - take a moment, ask what you treasure most – or, make it easier, just pick your top three; my treasures hang on walls, sit on tables or gently rest in drawers – I horde them like scrooge - keeping them safe, lone guardian of their value
things I treasure most are not for hording, but for giving away - the best gift I might give someone is more likely to be in a box or drawer than on a store shelf; I unleash a treasure’s value best by putting it in someone else’s hands; I’ve begun to give my treasures away, as many as possible (someone expressed concern I might not be well – that I might be ‘getting my affairs in order’ - not the case, but shouldn’t we always have our affairs in order?)
you can’t take it with you – most of us try to keep it until we are ready to go; I see this phrase in a new light - we can take some ‘it’ with us (depends how you define ‘it’); my relationships are light to carry around, rarely a burden, easy to pack for a trip but a lot of ‘my it’ is stuff, requiring boxes and a truck to move around
giving away my most precious things lightens my load, increases freedom and helps me relinquish control (as if I really have such a power) over things; value of treasures multiplies when given away, and time is precious . . yes, I’m giving more of that away too
Mark Kolke
... with your voice, teach in order to learn
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