Thursday, December 13, 2007
without reservation - Thursday, Dec. 13, 2007
today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park
-3C/27F, morning sun rose to a steady warm breeze, Gusta looked at several dogs – they held no interest – but that Springer Spaniel cross sure looked like a ready playmate
we went to CB’s seasonal soiree – thanks - nice to see you and meet your colleagues; the path home somehow led through Inglewood to Sugo - without reservation, they took us anyway; noshing awesome prawns and fettuccini at the bar, delicious moments
as I get older I my view less, but hopefully I see a little more - in each instance, I see what I want to see – yet look right by things that don’t matter to me oblivious to many things of marginal importance, focused on the heart of matters, or sometimes just on the heart
there remains, however, a challenge for all of us, to see how others see us . . .
yesterday’s piece on menopause drew response – not least of which was from PB – she feels, in the interest of fair-play, I should comment on what women confront with ‘men of a certain age’; she says (not necessarily all of these are about me) mid-life men do things women endure, equally challenging as those I poked fun at yesterday; to name a few: un-trimmed nose and ear hair, not shaving on weekends, raw (like a wood rasp) skin on feet that scratch tender shinbones, falling asleep without notice between dinner and bed time, flatulence and burping, furry necks of men who don’t get haircuts often enough, explosive mood swings (ie: yelling at pedestrians and other drivers)
you may see her as a sweet woman – slight in stature, dignified and proper, smart and kind, sweet and charming, smart and sassy, of good taste and good breeding – whereas I might simply see her, without reservation, as a pretty butterfly
she, on the other hand, easily sees right through me . .
Mark Kolke
... with your voice, teach in order to learn
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