Monday, December 24, 2007
rapt and ready - Monday, Dec. 24, 2007
this morning’s weather/dog walk: -3C/27F, clear, milder feeling than the weather office says - full moon woke us as we walked, rabbit after rabbit drawing Gusta’s attention without regard for safety or traffic, her nose overruling her sight every time
traditions worth having vis-à-vis ones simply making Hallmark happy are distinguished by how much laughter is in a room, smiles witnessed, time we sit back contented . . relaxed, without angst, as gifts brightly wrapped spill outward from a spectacularly decorated tree; in a few hours, for a few minutes, a few children of every age will rip them open
turkey prep morning and work awaits – ‘my family’ tradition of dinner and gift exchanging this evening – tomorrow morning PB’s extended family will descend for what sounds like an early start to an all-day-moveable-feast . . ooh-ha!; the past six years have been very challenging – my daughters and my dad have been my tradition, strength and joy at this time of year; when I met PB she told me she came ‘with people’ – like a machine coming ‘with attachments’ – my ‘traditions’ experience grows
yesterday PB made her kitchen an egg-nog factory while I took my daughters shopping – repeating last year’s experience - shoe-shopping for their Christmas gifts at Arnold Churgin followed by lunch at Joey Tomatoes - seems we’ve created a tradition; traditions start the instant we do again what we did before that makes us smile - by doing again, this year, something that gave us great joy last year creates the tradition; once established, traditions form part of our lives for a short while at least, perhaps much longer (ie: turkey dinner, Boxing Day, gift exchanges, hanging stockings, Boxing Day sales)
shop, wrap, cook, clean, plan, fetch, carry - nearly done – enjoying time is here; this kind of enjoying has special meaning in most families – certainly in mine – nothing to do with religious belief or observance, even less to do with time honored custom, ceremony or circumstance - time spent enjoying simple activities with those we love
Mark Kolke
... with your voice, teach in order to learn
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