Tuesday, December 18, 2007
in box - Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2007
today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park
like grains of sand, soon a mountain of sand - byte by bit, daily inundation, no time to taste, savor, chew or digest what best entertains, dazzles, informs or offers relevant connectedness to a world I hunger to fully taste, unrelenting, a river, it flows
bits of this, pieces of that – soon, a big pile of something – in a while they all look the same – flowing on a conveyor belt with a broken stop button - as fast as I try to take it off the belt, it comes faster, more each mind numbing minute; I wade in, but rarely get through it all – someone is always selling this box or that research, sometimes hoping I’ll find some newsflash about some study proving that reading kills rats
is being aware of trends and causes, politically correct or not, being informed or do we simply regurgitate what someone else understands a wee bit about (or not – who knows?); if I skim 10 newspapers, if I get 3 newswire feeds, am I better informed than someone who has time to thoroughly read just one newspaper – or none at all, perhaps learning more by walking around observing life rather than reading about it?
I want a point where information and understanding cross over, every day
Mark Kolke
this morning’s weather/dog walk report: -7C/19F, clear, light breeze, sliver of moon watched over, Gusta found no joy watching lap dogs walking their owners – we returned without a rabbit sighting, maybe the coyotes were busy last night . .
... with your voice, teach in order to learn
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