I’m relieved that the recipe for your musings once again has the weather/walk/Gusta report in it’s place of prominence, JB, Calgary
I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and blessings for 2008. I am so happy for you that you have found someone special to treasure. You are lucky to have your daughters with you this Christmas. I will miss my children very much but I expect to have many more with them. It may be Mom’s last. We are having a small family Christmas with her. My new job is great, very busy and somewhat exhausting. There are so many activities in the community as well as teaching classes. I have the week off and am planning to relax, read and walk the dog. Somehow that has spun out of control already with thoughts of lessons for the upcoming semester. Oh well. Enjoy your Christmas and I will enjoy the Turtle Pie. It may be me but I think it can’t be better than sex but…. I am getting loads of sweet things and not anything else. LOL. Hugs, DB, Red Deer, AB
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 6:35 p.m.