Hello Mark: Just wanted to send a very Merry Christmas to you and your new partner Trish. I hope 2008 brings you both all that you so rightfully deserve. Enjoy this festive time! Please send special wishes to your Dad and to Krista and Karla as well. Happy Holidays!!!, CB, Calgary . . PS - give Gusta a tickle or two!
Hi Mark, I write about once a year, so here goes. We just landed in PEI for holidays with the oldest daughter’s family. Looking forward to spoiling the grandkids. Wanted to wish you and all of your musing friends a very merry holiday and best wishes for the New Year, JF, Calgary . . from PEI
Hey Mark....Christmas holidays in Denver.....picked up our ski equipment at the airport terminal yesterday and then stepped outside into 14C weather. Snow is forecast though. Deep stuff. Denver will often get two feet or more of snow overnight. Lasts about a week then the City resembles Calgary. No deep thoughts today. Just "think snow". Seasons greetings, safe travels, good health, to you and yours Mark, and to the many readers of your daily column. Cheers, TL, Calgary . . from Denver
“Inquiring minds ask” … How is Gusta? … I noticed you no longer start your Musings describing your morning walk? … Why is that? … I miss that picture you painted …, BBB, San Diego, CA . . P.S.: Mark … thanks for responding … and, thanks for asking, things are terrific with me … still no love life, however you and the story of your “Pretty Butterfly” give me hope.
Hello Mark, I was just musing that this time last year, I was in Canada having a wonderful ski holiday in Banff. How time flies. I've been out of touch with you for some time as work and personal life have overtaken me. I started seeing a man in February, a very kind, clever American but although we liked each other, there was too much distance between us for it to work. Also my mother has been very ill following her hip replacement surgery. It exacerbated an existing heart condition so I spent most of the summer driving back and forth to see my parents and try to help. I also came into a bit of money from an investment early in the year so I decided to travel a little more in Europe so I've been to France with my man friend, Germany with Ed and Germany again with an old school friend which has been great fun. On top of all that I've been focusing on my career to really improve my performance in an attempt to get a better job but I fear my age is working against me on that one. How are things with you and your family and Gusta? I hope you've had a successful year. I'll opt in to your musings over the Christmas season to catch up a bit. Peace and love to all, SK, Suffolk, UK
By all means, stop, look around, take stock....It takes that much to begin to appreciate the world and our life in it. Yes, play, especially with one's family...The opportunity is now, and will never arise again...The 2007 holidays will be gone forever...seize their magic!, EG, Calgary
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 9:26 p.m.