I am on yet another exotic holiday, Best Wishes for a safe, happy and festive holiday OH, Edmonton
Dec 19 - Jan 3 I will be in Texas! Happy Holidays!, KK, Calgary
Tis the season of 'O Holy Night, the Stars are Brightly Shining'...the goodness in the night is revealed. Darkness of the spirit or soul comes from within, not from the passing of daylight to night. Many people find their 'muse' in the early hours before dawn when their alone time makes the moments poignant and illuminating. SL, Calgary
Please add me to your list. I just moved my employment and had to terminate at that location. Now I want it back. Thanks, BC, Calgary
It was nice to visit with you yesterday. We were headed to the vet because we have two invalid dogs. One is our 11 year old female Border Collie who was stampeded by one of our horses in October and is healing a broken leg. The other is a stray Aussie we recently adopted who was hit by a car as a stray and is now recovering from a dislocated hip. Anyway, that's the story with our poochies and our tip to the vet and they are both doing very well. t looks like I'll may be getting back to Calgary in the new year and we'll get together. Have a great Christmas and New Year, ME, Bozeman, MT
I have come full circle...Mark and I realized yesterday that we have become that proverbial "Saturday Evening Post" picture of parents all over the world.. we will be assembling bikes this year on Christmas Eve. And there will stand not one, but two under the tree; a fixed gear road bike for my 20-year-old and a tricycle for our almost-two-year-old. When Mark suggested that we have someone assemble them for us, I scoffed at the idea. What? Are you kidding me? You have not been inducted into the Parental Hall of Fame until you have spent 9 hours, 8 phone calls to customer service, 4 t-shirt changes, 27 swear words and 1 bottle of wine on Christmas Eve bicycle assemblage. Little does he know that none of the instructions come with words. There will be minute, smeared pictures to interpret and requisite pieces will be missing. But I wouldn't trade this experience for the world! Work's great, boys are doing very well. Bryan was accepted into UC Santa Barbara for his Junior and Senior years of college. He's very excited and looking forward to a new chapter away from home. Kyle graduates from high school in June and has a girlfriend, and Brady is struggling with his third year of Spanish but is acing Algebra II. Go figure. And Delaney is a delightful bundle of non-stop chattering energy. She has recently discovered that "vertical" provides a new and interesting perspective so she is climbing anything that seems to offer a toehold; the more precarious, the better. We're all looking forward to relaxing vacation time after the holidays. Ahhh...12 days off with nothing to do! Mark gave me a new camera for my early b'day present, so I have been documenting Delaney's every waking move. And some sleeping ones.. Have a wonderful holiday with your "butterfly" and family. Couldn't be happier for you both! Warmly, LR, Irvine, CA
Why are denizens of death and evil always associated with night, and why must vampires crawl into their coffins and hide from day at dawn? I find nothing supernatural in darkness, it's comforting in fact, associated with necessary rest and recuperation, and sleep with the "companion in life." Night and day are partners as you say, in the on-going life of the planet, and our souls, EG, Calgary
I went to BPs website and I just want to say, what wonderful Art! Enjoyed looking through the website very much. A talented person! Merry Christmas to you Mark, and all your readers. DM, Red Deer
Re: in box, Lots of luck on that one! . . Re: you can't take it with you, I believe all your "treasures" go with you... the sort you can't really see or touch. Though the more tangible kind can tie you down or hold you back... from moving on to discover the wonderful new treasures that are awaiting you. Re: a moment to pause, Wise words... oh enlightened one!! LOLOL You will survive the pause, JB, Klamath Falls, OR
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 8:45 p.m.