I enjoy your stream of consciousness writings - reminds me of my own! I truly believe that the path to "happiness" is to merely watch the conveyorbelt of ideas going by - not laying claim to any of it as "knowledge." Allis merely thought - everything began as an idea in the mind - and as such is no more "real" than the thought behind it! A quick look at our thoughts reveals the chaotic logic, the impossible dreams, the thrust of fear in some form or other. If "I" were to learn what "they" know, then everything would be cool because then I could be in control of my Universe! Not likely. We who can't even control our minds have little chance of controlling anything! The solution - release, let go, allow that the Universe will/is/has unfolded just as it is "supposed to." Still we move through it and make choices, experiencing the effects of our choices, life mirroring our ideas of it - while all the time we can step off the merry-go-round (as John Lennon put it) and merely watch the wheels go round. "The road to happiness lies in two simple principles: find what it is that interests you and that you can do well, and when you find it put your whole soul into it - every bit of energy and ambition and natural ability you have." ~ John D. Rockefeller . . , BL, Bozeman, MT
I haven't written in a while, in spite of some very thought-provoking musings from you in recent weeks. First, congratulations on the advent of Pretty Butterfly to your life. It sounds like you have finally found what you and your "inner-self" have been seeking for so long.I felt the urge to respond to today's Musing, particularly the comment "I want a point where information and understanding cross over, every day", as I believe that I found one today. I arrived at work, dug into my daily morning "dose" of e-mails, was sorting, sifting, deleting, etcetera...so much widely varied information. Then I got a phone call...advising me that my best friend (since college days) passed away last night. This was information that I could have wished to defer...indefinitely. Yet, it certainly made information and understanding cross over - for me...very abruptly! So, I believe, today, that the point where information and understanding can cross over for us is where the information is most deeply and personally relevant to us - or impacts us on a very direct level. This cross over from information to understanding was traumatic for me today. I don't think that I could handle such a cross over daily. Hopefully, your cross-over points will be more of the "aha" or "eureka" nature, where information can be sorted into logical order to become understood and then processed to produce utility and/or functionality as a result of the cross over. All the best, and Happy Holidays, from a steady fan!, JN, Newmarket, ON
Hello !! Is nice to hear from you (personally) Thank you for remembering me. I had been focusing in my work now. I have a company that decorates walls with Giclees from my art work; This is especially for business, hotels, hospitals, etc.. and eventually homes.I am sending you my web page
www.opcionindigo.com I have not been reading your daily notes, sorry ,but my work has taken all my time. I am proud of you that you have kept doing this for so long.My email had change. Please use this one now. If you ever come to Mexico City, let me know, I will more than glad to meet you. Hugs, BP, Mexico City
I enjoy your musings every day Mark. They keep me up on a lot of important things back home in Calgary. Well the weather is important for us snowbirds, As for the other stuff, it seems to filter in by osmosis, as you say just walking around. "I guess there is nothing that will get your mind off everything like golf will. I have never been depressed enough to take up the game, but they say you can get so sore at yourself that you forget to hate your enemies." - Will Rogers . . . JB, ?
Are needs and wants mutually exclusive? Or are they simply subliminal messages festering within our subconscious, preying upon the vanities of an ego? Are the needs truly needful and are the wants truly wanting? As we see the parade of goods that are presented to us in attempt to pacify our stressful lives, do they truly quell that restless spirit inside of us? How can you fill the universe with a drop of rain? Things to think about when you’re musing in Maui., MM, Kahului, HI
So far, I've been able to keep up with my emails, but some I delete immediately....I can't read fast enough to keep up with 10 newspapers or read all of the articles that appear on my MSN and Google sign-on screens. "Information and understanding crossing" is, I agree the Holy Grail of wisdom....I'm using this interregnum between careers to try to do just that, digest the old, prepare for the new..., EG, Calgary
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 7:01 p.m.