Mark, today is my last day of work at my current job and at this e-mail address. I look forward to reading your musings every day so would greatly appreciate if you could change my e-mail to XXXX Thanks so much! TB, Calgary
Surely you expected such a deluge from the other side!.. We both have experience enough to know that...Yes, my wonder at the whole world has become more focused as I've aged as well...And yes, I have some of the unpleasantries that your female respondent lists, especially falling asleep between dinner and bedtime (I shouldn't have such a comfortable recliner in which to watch TV) So, onward with our tenderness to our goddesses..., EG, Calgary
we are all spiritual beings struggling with human existence. men too go through menopause, hot flashes, night sweats etc similar to women. as for nose hairs, neck hairs and such i see this as in no way comparing anything remotely similar to female menopause. many women in mid years have mustaches, nose hairs fart more and have incontinence also.. better your lady friend tried to understand or at least speak about the trials and tribulations that men go through as they age better we all be more accepting and compassionate better that men too start to open up more about their fears, their needs, dare i say their feelings ??????? we all go through life changes -menopause-- we all age if we live long enough to do this and many men end up with enlarged prostates. men need to network more as women do. well, just my musings at this moment .... happy holidays, KM, ?
OK, now that we have a list started... what about the ADD channel surfing of middle aged men - really, as if you weren't there at all... and the impatience not just in traffic... and I'm not sure of this in your case Mark but there is just a generalized "shrinkage" in generosity, willingness to compromise and the ability to try new stuff that so many middle aged men suffer from. Whew, thanks for listening. CH, Chimacum, WA
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 6:19 p.m.