Hi Mark -- I'm enjoying your musings. I'm not yet going through the change but I plan to save this for when I do and just hand a printout to my husband. Who knew he had so much to look forward to!, J?, ?
A comment of being a doer rather than just a watcher. “There is a great dignity in being a spectator; and if you do it long enough, you are dead inside” C.P. Snow writing in “The Affair”, JM, ?
Dearest Mark: Here I sit in my office laughing out loud at your hilarious take on this trying time in life for we women of the world. Your sense of humour delights me & your perspective will likely allow you & your pretty butterfly to sail right through any rough meno-waters you confront. Fondly, JH, Kelowna, BC
I can't wait to read the responses to this one. There will be some wing-flapping to be sure. Ch, Cimacum, WA
I'm not quite sure how to approach the problems you mention today...In my case, my b'flies have always been either pre or post, and it would be extremely unlikely that at my age I will ever be faced with the dangers you put forward.. However, "nurturing the goddesses" is always a good idea anyway...It makes one's life easier and more fulfilling.... Regards, EG, Calgary
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 9:57 p.m.