Saturday, November 10, 2007


some days - Saturday, Nov. 10, 2007

today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park

-1C/30F, easy breeze, cloud obscuring the sun, Gusta doing wind-sprints after squirrels, some walkers out this morning – all silent types, heads down, deep in thought

some days – like this one, a refreshing walk can bring new energy, renewed perspective and new facets of understanding self and others, new appreciation for PB, and energy that indicates to me that I likely didn’t have the flu – more likely a combo of fatigue, sleep loss and eating something that didn’t agree with me

some days - down time is the best medicine of all; it humbles, it reminds me that no matter what my ego might have in mind for me, when my body has a different idea, no matter what I think I want to accomplish, my body wins when it says ‘not today’

some days – like this one, the day after that really horrible one, things feel pretty good; I am not necessarily 100% but, compared to yesterday, it feels so great!

most days – I enjoy the buzz, the activity, the chase, the busy-ness as much as the results

some days – not so much

some days –like yesterday, I dread the next phone call, want to shut down and let my brain take some down time, some R & R time, some climb back out of the hole I am in time; yesterday it was a flu bug or something like that which put me there

most days – goals, objectives and plan in mind – I work to move things forward, advance initiatives, throw stuff against the wall to see what sticks, talk, write, imagine, work, struggle, negotiate

most days – feel like success, or some portion of it, in achieving something from those efforts

most days – I feel energized by all the whirling about of energy and ideas, prospects and creativity of people I connect with

this morning – I feel renewed, refreshed, slept, nourished – cannot compare to yesterday, yet there seems value in comparing them; I feel several thousand per cent better today; PB’s TLC, chicken soup and sleep seem to have been a winning combo; I’m still not so sure about putting anything risqué in my tummy, but for now it is a great day

Mark Kolke

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