Much enjoyed meeting you. Always enjoy your insights in your musings. Will follow your progress in the years ahead in moving towards your objective of getting to Hawaii... and of being slim and svelte when you get there!, Regards, MG, Cornwall, ON
Hi Mark; Thought I was on your list already but appears no. Can I be added - please. You are not missing much here in Calgary - really cold. Muse did not enjoy her promenade up the hills this morning. I think she wants boots. Who knew a dog who takes a dip in that river almost daily would complain about her feet. Thanks, KS, Calgary
Again you demonstrate what are those things that are most important in life....And if we can make a little money besides, that's great....As for "sitting near the crucible of power", how comforting...I know the feeling, but also know that the principals only know a little more than I do, and that we must do our own personal best to be in the vanguard of knowledge and understanding...EG, Calgary
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 6:06 p.m.