Thursday, November 15, 2007


November 15 Comments - re: my DRAFT anger

Hello Mark, Thank you for today’s Musings. The reason why I have chosen to reply to your comments is that your final choice is a very fundamental representation of the message of my company. Good for you for choosing to “step away from the computer”. Choosing to communicate respectfully no matter what you receive in return is a quality and skill of a true professional. There are many opportunities every day both personally and professionally where people choose to react to a situation or interaction without taking the time to instead formulate a response. Often electronic communication provides us with a false sense of confidence to say things that we might never consider saying if we were face to face or on the phone. The calm that you referred to is the feeling as a professional that we always strive for. In our curriculum we created a word “calmfident” that represents our feelings when we know without a doubt that we have truly done the right thing. We have treated another with Respect and most importantly we have treated ourselves with Self respect. Thank you Mark. Respectfully, AM, Calgary
Aren't you glad now that you didn't send hit that "send" button... my usual response is to get that email written and returned to that nasty person so fast that they won't know what happened... and, what usually happens is that I think (after a couple of hours)... now why in the world did I send that email??? When did I quit giving everyone the benefit of the doubt... like in... they're probably having a bad day... they probably just don't feel well today... they've probably got a hectic work schedule today... you know... thoughts like that, rather than... that @#$%!... I'll tell them a thing or two... geez... sure wish I was like I was before... I CAN do it, I KNOW I can do it... just gotta put on my thinkin' cap more often...!!! Have a great day, Mark, and thank you for the very thought-provoking musing. CT, Houston, TX

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