Saturday, November 24, 2007
mind in motion - Saturday, Nov. 24, 2007
today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park
-3C/28F, Chinook arch in motion, pushing that blanket of overcast eastward, Gusta enjoyed our first trip to the ridge path in quite a while, no critters seen, a few Halloween remnants still in place as lights and outdoor decorations begin to appear; frenetic Friday done- adrenalin level subsided, work is set aside, time to write; for the first time in three months I’m not attached at the hip to b’fly this weekend – pace change, miss her face, her voice - she’s in a state, Montana; I’m in a state, blissful, but missing her too
no stop, speed limit or ‘bridge out’ signs litter my dream-way; only roadblocks, limitations - not planted by parents, watered by education, fertilized by society, not found in literature or art or politics or laws of man or physics - set by one person’s narrow view, one person’s ability to see only so little, mine
Newton's law of inertia – “an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force”
Kolke’s version (substitute ‘emotion’ for ‘motion’ if you wish): “a mind at rest tends to stay at rest and a mind in motion tends to stay in motion unless it hits self-imposed roadblocks”
when I see something no one else sees, am I seeing what they missed or what they cannot imagine – as I see what I imagine, am I seeing the possible, or do I risk dismissing it as a dream not to be realized?
I have this voice – a need to write it and speak it is not compulsion, but an action fulfilling choice to overcome roadblocks and things that keep my mind rigid, keep me stationary – to overcome those forces, to live my dream without limitation – the more I’m open to it, the more it unfolds
my mind is in motion - same speed, same direction, but held back by self-set limitations; its time, I think, to apply some unbalanced force . . .
Mark Kolke
... with your voice, teach in order to learn
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