Tuesday, November 13, 2007
lost and found - Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2007
today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park
3C/39F, strong breeze under a few clouds, really strong breeze – the kind that makes your nose run even when you don’t have a cold – Gusta confused by a wave of odor coming across the soccer field, a poodle of interest to her showed no interest in getting acquainted – his lost opportunity
my take on mistake - learn the lesson, correct the problem, move on – seems my most active mode; rarely stopping to examine the opportunities my little ‘mistake’ made possible - so easy to know once discovered – simply really, why didn’t I think of it before?
I lost something – yesterday, it was some data; freaked for a moment, calm and upset with myself moments later, then determined to find a recovery or fix for a few minutes – reality set in, only one laborious to recreate the lost data; at first it appeared tedious and counterproductive but, upon closer examination, a golden opportunities for me I would never have noticed if not for my ‘all-thumbs’ mindless error in the first place
I lost something – many things actually - along the way; we all have a few, but routine’s evolution too comfortable to disrupt me to examine, unless disruption forces a look; things I’ve left behind - looking back, so easy to see why much is strewn in the ditch where it belongs but amid old wreckage there are so many things that, upon pondering, I am inclined to say ‘why don’t I do that anymore?’ , or ‘when did I stop doing that?’ .
I lost something – along the way, innocence - replaced by a sense of wonder, fear - replaced with thrill of experience, adrenalin - for chasing tigers, not running from them
I spend a lot of time seeking, looking, digging, working – at data, people and opportunities, but when examined, most great finds, ah+ha moments, points of growth have come from looking at the familiar in a new way, with perspective borrowed from someone else – to find some great gem of an idea, pearl of learning, opportunity that does not to be overturned because it was in plain view all along
I found something – yesterday, contained in a smile, wrapped in a laugh, smothered in kindness, a gift . . no shopping required
Mark Kolke
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