Sunday, November 25, 2007
grit and determination - Sunday, Nov. 25, 2007
today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park
3C/37F, clouding over, Chinook breeze lingers on - Gusta and I walked the lagoon route where critter tracks on snow covered ice made a strange roadmap – when we walked this morning the moon and sun both equidistant above the horizon like two gigantic flashlights aimed at each other . .
ISP’s help-line (thanks Calvin in Nanaimo), grit and determination, several hours re-building files, cleaning cache, losing cookies – journey to HQ - skeptical as counter clerk (she can’t be 12, but she looked 12) said ‘hook this up and everything will be fine’; I did and it is
troops in Afghanistan stand guard to keep peace and frustrate efforts of those who threaten it; this day we have an annual symbolic battle on Canadian soil - it too involves guards and hard running behind opponents lines, special teams and a field-general
he left a legacy of grit and determination - Earl Grey, the guy – not the tea – once Governor-General of Canada donated a large cup of silver that has been more about Canadian unity than it has ever been about football, more about partying than fighting, more about pride than ego – Canadians braving cold and field conditions and each other; today, from Toronto the Riders of Saskatchewan and the Bombers of Winnipeg will not prove anything of great cosmic consequence other than this one thing
Canadians work hard, play hard, have grit and determination and stand on guard - at least once a year, Canadians think about being unique and Canadian – football fan or not – in ways only Canadians understand, with a national anthem that really means what it says
Mark Kolke
... with your voice, teach in order to learn
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