Friday, November 16, 2007
about dawn - Friday, Nov. 16, 2007
today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park
2C/40F, yesterday’s Chinook wind leftovers make a warm overcast start, steady breeze, Gusta chased a squirrel as school buses broke the quiet
for each day’s new task, wrinkle or concept - I leap to it a little slower - trying to simplify my life but most days seems more complex just the same, with a few scenery changes tossed in; the view from here is good - few obstacles in my path; I like to walk very early, at the end of moonlight, about dawn, to see dawn before anyone; most days it is the same, but when it is different I want to see it first, to see differences before anyone else
I’ve looked in books, in the mirror, inexperienced hard knocks, watched children and young adults – my own and others – the answer is not there, outside me, in what I see; it would be convenient to see answers on the horizon, each day at dawn, but that is not where I need to be looking so much as an interior view is required
not always, not every day – I struggle; I seek change, a new view or maybe an improved pair of eyes; solutions are all within me, lined up in rows along with questions and self-doubts along side ambitions, dreams and desires – to better understand my drivers; fear doesn’t drive me – nor pride, nor ambition - its not about love and lust (though I really enjoy exploring those elements just in case), or money or power or being on top or the bottom; I look around – the answer must be lurking somewhere - because all questions have answers, because all problems have solutions – they are waiting for us to see them
I am coming to believe the complexity I often deride is really the simplicity I seek in a specially intriguing wrapper – I know I wouldn’t smile as much without it, I wouldn’t see my simple path without it, I wouldn’t be as happy without it
I’ll keep waking early, keep walking, keep asking, keep dreaming
every day . . about dawn
Mark Kolke
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