Sorry to hear your Dad is having more health problems. All a part of growing old I guess as each of us sees the role of parent becoming the role of in full circle. It is hard for a proud man to accept that he needs the help of his child. It is hard for the child to realize that the life clock is ticking and we can only live one moment at a time, savour life one moment at a time, be thankful for one moment at a time. I wish you peace and perspective Mark. Re: mostly - It took me a long time to realize I needed to make myself a priority in my life. I was always looking after everyone else first and leaving virtually nothing for myself. I wasn't growing as a person (except in weight) and my personal relationships weren't what they could be. I had to learn that I was worthy of making time for myself, of being able to say no to make that time, to choose what I wanted to do and then being able to relax enough to enjoy myself. SL, Calgary
Hope both you and your Dad are well. Take care, JM, Calgary
Re: mostly - Great writing in the latest piece! Very close to my life perceptions. Although, I always encourage people to push themselves down "the list.", and be more preoccupied with the needs of others. Nevertheless, the point is well-made. Thanks, GMM, NYC, NY
Hello Mark, Sorry to hear about your Dad. I too know the pain and anguish of having a close family member being afflicted with a sudden health issue like this. Fortunately, you have been blessed with a little better luck than I was. I wish you and your family the best of luck on this one. MB, Calgary
Hi Mark, So sorry to hear about your Dad. I will remember you both in my prayers, DM, Calgary
I guess the ultimate truth is that it all gets taken away. Everything we have thought and fought so hard for.... The big outcome is to become out, not, nothing, hopefully elsewhere - but we have to learn to balance that with our constant seeking to be better, smarter, richer, kinder, thinner, all the whatevers that we concentrate on while we are forgetting that ultimate outcome. It's a tricky consciousness to achieve that balance and we tend to let the everyday overshadow spiritual realities and forget the universal ultimatum when there is so much to live for. ch, Chimaum, WA
Mark: Keeping you close in thought and prayer. It is heart wrenching to see those we love unwell. Fondly, JH, Kelowna, BC
Hi – I am happy to hear your father is improving and stabilizing. Please know my thoughts are with you and prayers for your father. It’s a difficult time in their lives. Mom is recovering from a virus. All I can do is listen …. To her words and to her breathing. There is much she needs to say. I know you will be there with an ear for your Dad. I hope your pretty butterfly helps. Cheers, DB, Red Deer, AB
You have always been eloquent and elegant in speaking about your father. All parents dream that their children will show what you have shown him and do what you are doing for him now. My thoughts are with you both. Also, a quote that makes sense to me, as applied to hospital time: "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal." - Hannah More, VJP, DeWinton, AB
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 10:14 p.m.