Thank you for remembering my Birthday! I just got back from 2 weeks in Italy so I wanted to have dinner at Mercado tonight but they are closed for a private function tonight - so I made reservations at Centini - just wanting to continue the Italian feeling. A friend from Vancouver is in town and is hosting Robert and I. Are you at the Real estate forum today? Will I see you tomorrow? Wish us well! Having a great day, SM, Calgary
This universe was born of fire. It burns on and drives us to ever greater challenges of learning. Thank you Mark for sharing your most intimate thoughts, TF, Calgary
Glad to hear about LR... able to return home. Another friend yesterday was getting ready to leave when the fire moved more southerly and they were able to stay in their home. I was going to email you this morning to ask about LR... thanks for keeping everyone updated. Take care. Thank you, CFT, Houston, TX
Mark - I have moved to BC but still want my thoughtful musings - so can I have them sent to XXXXX? Thanks Mark - you make my days, JM, Red Deer, AB
My sister is currently in a camp ground in Borrego Springs with many of her friends. Their town has not burned yet but the fires are very close. It's been a crazy couple of days but she is safe. At this point, she just doesn't know when she can go home or what she will find, DL, Calgary
Good Morning Mark, You found me - that is great! I was married this summer and my e-mail address at work changed. I kept meaning to let you know and didn't. Anyway, thanks for re-directing your musing to this address. Have a great day!, LK, Fairview, AB
Being a science teacher, I know that fire is life. It can scrub the forest clean of undergrowth and reignite dormant life. Occasionally, it's good for the land. Once winter rains begin, (if the ground actually stays put), the hills around our home will turn green buds, new saplings, animals will return. But for now, for as far as I can see, including right in my own backyard, everything is covered in a fine layer of ash. Inches deep in places. It occurs to me that something animal or vegetable had to die in order to wind up on my patio. And my heart hurts for those things. We have so few natural places in Orange County. To watch as they burn away is heartbreaking, especially knowing that someone out there put a deliberate match to the life... But we are all well, intact, and have suffered no measurable loss.., LR, Irvine, CA
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:13 p.m.