OK, I chose to leave behind some precious things in the interest of survival...but we have our family, our important documents, pictures of everyone's growing up, and the dog. Our "trial by fire" began last night at 10:30pm. I used to think of the hills behind our home as an ethereal place to romp, hike, contemplate, and discover. Now they hold only the terror of a raging fire, thick smoke, and blackened terrain. For now, I choose to hope our home is still standing when we return from a safe haven in Newport, and I will say a prayer for the 400 firefighters on the front line who are bravely fighting this inferno. Will email when we know more, LR, Irvine, CA
Like your change it up plans for Monday. Caffeine-driven mayhem hitting us hard in the face as we start our day requires an equal and opposite force like the attitude you put forth. Hard to apply when you get a late start, hustle and bustle, phone calls and looking for a break but surely a pursuit worth our time. How about inviting someone who has no friends over for dinner? Find a nature trail on the way home from work and take an unscheduled walk. Tip someone who waits well on you a $20 bill and tell them how nice it feels to be treated with kindness and respect. It may start an epidemic of kindness and generosity. Friday morning I saw a homeless guy with a sign that said stranded. Although already late, I turned around, stopped and asked him his story. He said he was trying to get back to Ohio to see his sons first child due any day. I ask how he was doing raising the money and he said he only had raised $4. I looked at him and he looked pretty honest and I asked him if I gave him money would he spend it on booze or really use it. He said he drank very little as he needed all the money he gets for food. So I gave him a $50 bill and said I hope this is enough to get you a long bus ride in the direction you’re going. He looked the bill and me and started to cry. I said I wish you well and God speed you on your journey. This is not the first time I have done this and each time I have seen the same reaction. Later, I regretted I had not give the exact right amount for that bus ride and something additional for food during the trip but I am still very glad I stopped. Changing someone’s circumstances for the better may be the greatest change we can do, ML, Stuart, FL
Reminds me of a course in the Stress Management Program...Happiness is a Choice. We can all do things to be proactive, to enrich our lives...live life to the fullest! SL, Calgary
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 6:43 p.m.