Hmmmmm... Point of view. Perhaps we are all looking out of the wrong eyes. Our eyes tend to see only what we point them toward. Perhaps if we saw in 360 degrees we could get a better view of reality. I think if we just keep in mind that our "views" are limited by a reference point - ourselves.... we could see things as more integrated; perhaps a web of reality at which point we experience most significantly those people and things which most directly connect to our point of reference "ME", CH, Chimacum, WA
Re: About points of view-I have a friend who has been known to spout, "There's the right way and there's the (she inserted her family's name) way." I find it interesting that she found her relatives so domineering that she continues in adulthood to be haunted by it yet, perhaps forever. Food for thought for all those families out there: do try and use kindness while raising your own family so your children don't end up lonely and bitter. She is not alone and she might be the last person to announce that she was bitter but she comes across as very bitter to me., B. ?, Saskatchewan
In South America, when they look at the moon, they see a bunny in the moon, not a man's face. When someone's POV is different, it is because they are looking through their own filters, from different angles than mine creating a unique difference than mine. The gift we give when we allow room for someone else's POV without having to make it right or wrong, or take the difference personally, is to say, "I accept you exactly the way." Disagreement does not equal rejection. It just means we see things from different perspectives, LG, Calgary
Sometimes one's point of view isn't worth arguing...isn't worth the trouble...isn't worth the strife. Sometimes we have to listen to the inner voice telling us to be silent, to stop and listen, to keep our differing opinion to ourselves. We are all different...something to rejoice in, not revoke or revile. SL, Calgary
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 6:46 p.m.