Monday, October 15, 2007


October 15 Responses

Nice chatting with you. I can hear the bounce in your step and the pounding in your heart over the phone. Good for you!!, ML, DeWinton, AB
I think you know they say success is 90% inspiration and 10% we view our day, our abilities, our choices, our situation(s) puts the slant on it. SL, Calgary
Re: stage time - October 13 musing I'm hoping for an answer to my question: Where do you go to Toastmasters? Hoping to hear where, please. Sincerely, B, Saskatchewan . .. Thanks for your quick reply. I am usually not so swift but this time it's going to be a quick turnaround for me too. Yes, I am a Toastmasters but only ONE club- Moose Mountain Toastmasters in southeast Saskatchewan. I still prefer the written or typed word that you have been doing and I'm just finishing right now. I will read your latest "Musing" anon.
A quick email to say I thought your speech on Saturday was excellent ! I was really impressed with your smooth delivery and your pace, not to mention your humour! I just wanted to pass congratulations on and to say I thought your speech was a winner! Have a great week and see you on the 25th, MB, Calgary
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