Friday, October 19, 2007


looking hard - Friday, Oct. 19, 2007

today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park

-2C/29F (high 10C), steady breeze, frost on the tall grass this morning made the walk around the lagoon cool and refreshing for Gusta, the water level well down from drainage; the sky best described as mixed-media, toque time soon

I need to see clearly what I am not looking for – I need to be more of an objective observer, like a gnat on a wall – seeing myself as others might; whatever I am looking for, I will find it, whatever I am not looking for will elude me even when it is sitting right in front of me

challenging as it is to find understanding of self, I think I look hardest to find a better understanding of others – and in that looking, I see myself more clearly; not so much a matter of ‘frustration vs. pleasure’ as it is ‘being who I am vs. being something others might wish to see’; introspection, often disguised as a quest for understanding, most often is a quest to validate what I hope for or to give evidence to my fears

when I look in my mirror, looking hard, when brow furrows, when a smile is absent – there is usually a reason that has nothing to do with an ache or a pain; I look to validate some assumption, make some wish come true or for some idea to work – I know I do; most of us are – looking to prove something or disprove it, to find a new way or prove which ways won’t work, to find what is missing, lost or forgotten

observing happiness in others is so much easier than understanding it in ourselves; looking is not thinking, thinking is not feeling, feeling is not knowing – and knowing is a concept that, at its best, is an uncomfortable state but not so uncomfortable as not knowing

Mark Kolke

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