Thursday, October 18, 2007
an idea set loose - Thursday, Oct. 18, 2007
-2C/29F (high 11C), my feet are much more solid beneath me now, the pain/tingle/limp nearly gone, pace quickened. another moonless night coming to an end, Gusta’s nose and twinkling stars led us around the lagoon
what you do is 100% up to you, but ask this – what percentage of the things I do today are the result of a conscious decision, what percentage are ‘a little different just to shake things up’ and what percentage are ‘hey, lets do this!’ material?
you are in idea, I am an idea, we each have an idea – lets set it loose today; we have it; I have it and you have it too - it is your turn, it is your next move; no need to tell anyone - making a change in how you do something, what you do or when you do it need not be public, need not be recorded or held up to anyone’s scrutiny
most of us never spring an idea into an invention or articulate some new idea producing earth shaking ideas in social science, health care or business - but by making today different - turning head and thoughts in new directions - each of us – THIS MEANS YOU – will alter the course of the world; it might not be this morning or tomorrow, but you will; major development in mankind’s past or your future is never a single brilliant event, but the tally of a thousand little ones, a hundred hurdles to overcome/avoid, ten key elements and one common ingredient - YOU
I don’t mean the creative streak – that’s a given – we’ve had it since the sandbox was our office and toys were our communications tools, where inventing a new game could happen at any minute with the simple prelude ‘hey, lets do this!’; adulthood brings out the humdrum and suppresses our playful and creative nature;
what I mean is the potential to change the landscape, change the agenda, make things happen, prevent things from happening – at the speed of thought – simply by taking some action; these actions can be as mundane as putting in a load of laundry, emailing an old friend we’ve not connected with for a while, calling a stranger to say ‘would you be interested in _____?, reading the newspaper backwards or walking a different route
the moment I rise, opportunities flood – most deflected or avoided by routine; I stumble to bathroom, then follow habit for one hour before I strike a keystroke - routine requires little deduction, morning tasks aside, push of caffeine in arteries, awakens creative process; as I approach my keyboard, I see these words taped to the picture frame above my desk: ‘It’s always your next move.’ – Napoleon Hill
more than likely it was a thousand tiny things – connected to making a move of some kind, an action of some consequence, a comment to someone along the way or an idea set loose; I had a breakthrough yesterday; it was one of those subtle things, not sure if it was the culmination of many little things coming together on one day, spontaneous diversion from plans, electricity of this combined with that, ringing phone or some cosmic seismic event
do these kinds of mental exercises – they are as important as physical ones; whether I listen to a creative genius speak on their latest book, movie, invention or business success or if I simply get my brain to alter its internal pathways to explore some new possibility – this keeps me lively, keeps me quick, lights my day, lightens my load, sets ideas loose
Mark Kolke
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