Monday, October 15, 2007
fuel good - Monday, Oct. 15, 2007
today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park
2C/36F (high 19C), breezy, a brisk romp around the lagoon in the dark; Gusta over-filled with energy this morning, me too
energy is attitude, attitude is energy; attitude is the primer, the starter, the fuel the kick-starts an engine; that fuel can be positive energy, or rancorous venom . . each will start your day, but will take you down very different paths
there are few things that point us as well or as clearly in one direction than that of a person of influence in our lives who sets such a tone; if that is true – and I believe that it is – then in turn, each of us can set the tone, direction and path for someone else or for everyone else . .
when you roll over this morning to say g’mornin mate, when you greet that first smile or first call, you – only you – set that tone; I’m off to a breakfast meeting with GD, one of those great tone-setters, always a positive attitude, always someone who is clear in his footsteps, someone who does not have to look over his shoulder to see where he has been to know where he is going – it will be nice to catch up and learn where he is headed now
. . fuel, blueberry pancakes at Nellies, beckon . . gotta run
Mark Kolke
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