Monday, October 22, 2007
change your know - Monday, Oct. 22, 2007
today’s Musing written and published from south Calgary, near Fish Creek Park
4C/40F (high 15C), expectations of sunshine met, view to the north is dark cloud, expect changes; one duck family remains on the lagoon, invaded by boorish gulls, Gusta wanted to swimming while I yearn for a beach walk
change your answer, change your week, change your pace, change your day, change yourself, change to yes - expect changes, not ones that meet or exceed your expectations but ones that blow your expectations completely out of the water
we don’t say no to fear, we say no to what we don’t know
one day, one time, all it takes to reverse anything – or everything, change is your answer, so change your answer – easiest thing you do all week; thousands of opportunities, solicitations, advertisements bombard us everyday - we answer most with silence, some with no, some an emphatic no, some with an invitation to get lost; we tell friends who cannot shed controlling behavior to JUST SAY NO; NO is everywhere, we all know ‘just say NO’
every day we have opportunities to change our answer, to say YES; YES to those easy things requires no effort, thought, wrestling or conscious change, but saying YES to a question that takes us outside some box, stretches our head around some idea, offers a risk/reward formula we don’t know; some challenge of consequence, however small, is bigger than any NO we muster
pregnant couples are asked – when are you expecting? at that point in our lives the future looks bright, thoughts of 10 tiny fingers and all the expectations unfold in our minds long before the delivery date; the future is dreamy, the notions magical; at what other point do we have such bold and bright expectations?
I look around my world and see such boldness lacking, such hope absent, such color pale; in the corridors of power or the corridor outside my door there is an absence of that positive energy; it is time for change, change a word, change your life; life expectancy is not about life as much as it is about expectancy
what do you expect, what is in store, what experiences are around the next bend, this week or next, this year or next; it is all about expectations in our life – but what if we injected some life into our expectations? say yes man, be a yes man or a yes woman; say yes, say it over and over – say it loud, sing it out, be different, be outrageous, be contrarian, be bold, be your actions - YES - one syllable, one word, one vowel; a different word but just as simple
this morning, we all have a choice moment, a choice; make this Monday like the 51 other Mondays of the year or choose change - choose yes rather than no, choose risk for reward, choose choice over chance, choose to know something new
nothing to lose but another forgettable Monday, everything to gain – like the most fantastic day of your life – go ahead, choose
Mark Kolke
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